COVID-19 Updates

  • UPDATED Monday 7/28
    We have closed online booking for Letchworth until Sep 1. We still have no reliable information from NYS about when we can resume launching from Letchworth. Our other launch sites remain open and can be booked normally. We apologize for the ongoing frustration of the closure due to COVID restrictions.
  • UPDATED Monday 6/29
    We have been informed by NYS and Letchworth Park that our business classification is not yet cleared to resume operations from within the Park. Therefore, we are still on hold at Letchworth. We have not been given specific information about when we may be cleared to resume at this location.
  • We have closed online booking at Letchworth through July 15, in hopes that by then we will be cleared.
  • Our other launch sites in Geneseo at the National Warplane Museum and all Finger Lakes locations are open and can be booked at this time.
  • We plan to resume offering balloon rides once it is both SAFE and LEGAL to do so. We are awaiting clearance to resume operations from Letchworth Park. Other launch sites may open sooner. Online bookings are available starting July 1. Booking by phone available now.
  • We do not wish to cancel current bookings too far in advance, as the reopening schedule is uncertain at this time. Existing bookings will be reviewed each week on Monday until we reopen. Check your email for COVID-related cancellation information if you are already booked.
  • We are accepting new bookings, with the understanding that we may need to reschedule you if we are not yet cleared to open by the time of your booked flight.
  • As new information becomes available, it will be updated here.
  • If you have questions at any time, contact us or 585-243-3178.